
【現貨火速熱賣】NMN 18000 抗齡素 (60粒裝) | 由內至外逆轉年齡 兼提升免疫力

【現貨火速熱賣】 NMN  18000 抗齡素 (60粒裝) | 由內至外逆轉年齡 兼提升免疫力 NMN 18000 抗齡素 嚴選高質的NMN易於被人體吸收,能迅速提升體內一種關鍵性輔酶 (NAD+) 的水平。 NMN和NR是經廣泛研究的一種理想、穩定、可靠的 NAD+ 補充劑,有效支持抗衰老,維持細胞內線粒體穩定,改善身體機能和增強免疫力。 創新配方包含18000NMN及NR,還添加了白藜蘆醇和紫檀芪,有效延緩衰老和生理衰退,修復DNA ,防止細胞受損,幫你由內而外逆轉年齡。 病毒干擾人體內的NAD+平衡 疫情下提升自身免疫力成為最重要課題,由美國三所大學聯合進行研究發現,病毒會干擾人體內的NAD+平衡,連帶著免疫功能亦隨之下降,增加併發症或患上重症的風險。病毒對人體細胞的攻擊會令NAD+水平急速下降, 同時引發體內對NAD+的強烈需求來對抗外來病毒的入侵。研究發現,攝取足夠的NAD+ 是維持先天免疫力反應和對抗病毒的重要部分,可增強人體對病毒及其他病毒感染的免疫力。 12大主要 NMN 18000 功效🎯 ✅ 預防病毒入侵 ✅ 減低患者的復原時間 ✅ 增強對病毒的免疫力 ✅ 延緩衰老和生理衰退 ✅ 提升NAD+水平 ✅ 維持骨骼健康 ✅ 修復DNA損傷及再生 ✅ 提升記憶力 ✅ 強化心血管功能 ✅ 提升免疫細胞活性 ✅ 預防肌膚老化 ✅ 改善睡眠質素

Benefits of NMN Supplements

  NMN has been explored for reasons other than its effect on NAD+ levels. It has also been investigated regarding how it influences illnesses and health indicators. Most NMN research has been conducted on animals or cell cultures, although several recent experiments have evaluated the compound’s effects on people, with promising findings.    Increasing People’s Life Expectancy  Our mitochondria, the energy centers of our cells, become less efficient as we age. This is primarily because our NAD+ levels are also declining. Cells that age undergo a process known as cellular senescence, in which they cease proliferating and lose their capacity to function. Senescent cells generate a destructive chain reaction of inflammatory chemicals, contributing significantly to how we age and get ill. Because NMN supplements are a significant source of NAD+, taking it as a supplement may be an excellent strategy to slow down age-related decline and mitochondrial malfunction. Even though it takes decad